Kirkus Book Review

Kirkus Book Review

Kirkus Reviews has completed a review of my Children’s Book ‘The Queen Bakes a Pie’ Check out what they had to say “In this debut children’s book, a queen’s family encourages her to overcome self-doubt and enter a bake-off. Princess Emersen,...

Two powerhouse women have joined forces to inspire and motivate women to be the best version of themselves. Drawing on their own personal and professional experiences; Edie Vlooswyk and Julie Kelly are on a mission to help women and mother’s find balance in their...

Two powerhouse women have joined forces to inspire and motivate women to be the best version of themselves. Drawing on their own personal and professional experiences; Edie Vlooswyk and Julie Kelly are on a mission to help women and mother’s find balance in their...

Example Post Strong Girls

Baking Bread at Home Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec diam ultricies, scelerisque arcu quis, mattis purus. Morbi tellus nibh, sollicitudin a gravida quis, commodo eget eros. View Instructions Servings 4 Ready In: 2hrs 45min Calories:...
Welcome to our blog

Welcome to our blog

Welcome to our blog Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec diam ultricies, scelerisque arcu quis, mattis purus. Morbi tellus nibh, sollicitudin a gravida quis, commodo eget eros. Maybe a list of what you will be blogging about Blog Catergory...