Health & Wellnesss

My Journey With Infertility

My Journey With Infertility

I’ve always been open when discussing my infertility struggles when asked, but this is the first time I’m really sharing my story.  I suppose I’ve been reluctant to share because I understand and respect that everyone who faces infertility has a different experience...

Old Habits Die Hard

Old Habits Die Hard

The first place medal was placed around my neck, the crowd cheered, I ate a burger and drank champagne, and just like that show day was over.  For two years I envisioned that day. I worked harder than I ever had before; eating chicken breast after chicken...

A Love Letter to My Body

A Love Letter to My Body

Dear Body,  I remember the first time I was told that you were not good enough for me.  I was encouraged to change you into how society thought you should be.  At times I put you through the most drastic tests to prove to me that you were...

I Love You Because…

I Love You Because…

This is a very different style of Blog post than I typically do.  But being that it is February and the month dedicated to love; both of self and others.  I thought I would share with you something that has made a huge difference in my relationship...

Change the Way You Make Changes in 2019

Change the Way You Make Changes in 2019

Every day we are bombarded with diets and exercise plans promising amazing results within a certain amount of time, usually pretty quick.  It seems that is exasperated in January as everyone is encouraged (or pressured) to make resolutions.  I’m...

Meal Prep is the Absolute Worst!

Meal Prep is the Absolute Worst!

It’s true.  If you don’t enjoy cooking or if you don’t really know how to use spices (ahem me) then the idea of meal prep can seem like the absolute worst thing in life.  But let me tell you, it is not nearly as bad as being ‘Hangry’ = feeling so hungry that you...

Starting on a Journey of Your Own

  Hear simple tips and techniques to help you get started on a healthy journey of your own.  It can be overwhelming to start something new, be patient with yourself and make small changes as you go.  Believe in yourself, anything is possible!     Video...

A healthier happier version of yourself awaits.